
God’s gift of self began with the creation of the universe. Another dramatic giving of the Godself occurred on the cross. Giving his life is who God is. If God is Self-Gift, then to be more like God we must become self-gift. As children we may have climbed into a box or put ribbon on…

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Be Jesus to See Jesus

I wish we could calculate the number of hours of service people give in a 24-hour period. It is edifying to hear of schools and parishes and organizations involved in mission trips, fundraisers for the needy, and projects that protect Planet Earth. It is equally edifying to see spouses, family and friends act as care-givers…

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Prattling Prayer

During a wedding rehearsal I entertained a two-year-old whose father was playing the guitar and whose mother was attending a three-month-old. The conversation with the little girl went something like this: Girl: Gibberish…baby…gibberish…mommy…gibberish…day…gibberish…me. Me:   I believe you’re right. I totally agree. Girl:  Gibberish…doll…gibberish…you…gibberish…play…gibberish…daddy. Me:   Yes, that was a lovely party. I really enjoyed myself. I…

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Meeting Christ in the Assembly

Tiny purple spears stood erect, their heads strained in one direction, as if intently listening. The Mother of Thyme had called a convocation.  The sight reminded me of the Church, an assembly called into being on the cross and the primary place where we meet Christ. It is in the assembly that we know who…

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“Oneing of Love”

Does a day go by when we don’t feel a tinge of chagrin caused by the persons around us? I mean, after all, why can’t people be like me perfect in every way? The ideas of Julian of Norwich and those of Teilhard de Chardin remind me that we’re all in this together, so let’s…

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My Apology to the Microbes

Recently I read an article about the millions of microbes in and around me—how in some way they’ve been around since the Big Bang and will continue in existence, how they are all necessary in the plan of creation. I’ve been making myself more conscious of the interdependence of all things. Maybe I achieved a…

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‘Tis the Season for Jubilee

It’s jubilee time in the convent, and there’s so much to celebrate! We have jubilarians of joy professed 75 years ago. They have been a joy to us and to those to whom they ministered.  We have iron jubilarians professed 65 years ago. They are still giving their firstfruits, while anticipating the final harvest already…

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God Is My Tea Bag

The challenge of the Christian life is to become steeped in God. The method: I the water and God the tea bag. That sounds odd, for Jesus spoke of himself as living water. But I would have no power to change clear water into green tea. God is the One who can transform me. I…

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In Praise of Buzzing Things

Thank you, God, for buzzing things, For humming things, for chirping things, For crocuses, first cheery signs of spring. For irises purpling the drive, For perennials on cue opening wide, For colors that flaunt in unabashed pride, For strawberries scenting the sky, For vines that furtively pry, For white daffodils so shy, For the daisy,…

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Meditation of a Minnow

Who am I to have a thought Or say a prayer Or claim a place in this pond? And yet I sense that everything I do Is more than me. Somehow I’m part of a cosmic plan Immensely greater than I but dependent upon me. Someone is thinking of me now, Someone who created me,…

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