Sibling Bonds

Valentines replaced Christmas cards several weeks ago, so it’s not too early to write about hearts, which I’ll often do this month. One of the first Scripture passages about hearts is from the Book of Exodus. It’s the account of Moses pleading with the Lord that someone else should speak to the Israelites about leaving Egypt. The Lord reminds Moses that he has a brother who is not “slow of speech and tongue.” Fortuitously Aaron is on his way to Moses. The Lord tells Moses: “When he sees you, his heart will be glad.” And Moses’ heart was certainly happier when he with Aaron assembled the people who believed in the Lord’s words from Aaron’s mouth.

When I see my siblings (though distanced) my heart, like Aaron’s, is glad. Sibling bonds are steel-strong. All the world should have siblings like mine. I am so blessed that each one has my back and I theirs. Secrets are safe, problems shared, prayers promised and prayed. Heart speaks to heart, words not always necessary. As with the friends David and Jonathan, may the Lord be ever between us (1 Sm. 20:42).

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